Not dead, just switched things up a bit. To make myself really learn about my camera and just to take more pictures in general I’ve changed my Instagram. Now I post a photo a day over there. I try to take photos every day but I’m not going to stress myself out on that one. I will just try to get out more and take more photos when I can and post the best ones on Insta. When I can’t I’ll dig back and use an earlier photo. To make it more about the whole photo and not just a square, I’m using an app called Whitagram to give it wide, white framing in the posts.

Sometimes I label them, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I throw in a hashtag, usually I don’t. It’s really just for me. I want to see what I can get out of doing this for a year, then looking back and pulling out the best of those. If I like enough of them I’ll probably make my own photobooks. Might make for an interesting project. We shall see.

In the meantime, follow me on Instagram @library_jim if you care to. Comments, even critical ones are appreciated as I fumble my way through learning the basics of photography.

This of course means less silly photos of things like my dogs. Maybe I’ll post that kind of stuff up in the stories.

I’ve also deleted the Twitter app off my phone and unfollowed a bunch of accounts. I still check it but I was kind of doing it constantly and I didn’t like that. I can still check Twitter occasionally on my iPad or a laptop but the barriers those entail mean I won’t have it in front of my eyeballs unless I consciously choose to, as opposed to mindlessly scrolling.

In other news, my daughter was accepted to 7 of the 8 schools she applied to! She narrowed it down to two very different ones for a time then finally knew the best fit for her which will be Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX. It’s where My Lovely Bride went but I don’t think that influenced her decision. It’s just the right size and type of school for her. So that’s something we’re all excited and nervous about and looking forward to. It’s so nice to have something to look forward to again!

How about you? What hobbies are you pursuing? Has the pandemic changed that in any way? How is your social media/newsgathering diet? Any restrictions you give yourself? Let me know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “My photography continues

  1. Hobbies include getting up in the morning and continuing to read! I’ll do more sewing over spring break and the summer, so it’s pretty much the same as usual. I can only spend about five minutes actually looking at other posts on Twitter before I have to get off, so I tend to post and run. Photography is a fun hobby, and I’m glad your daughter was successful in her applications. If your dogs get super lonely and you need to find new homes for them, let me know! I love to see pictures of them.

  2. Reading has been hard for me lately but I keep plugging through the most recent book club book. Photography is fun, but I’ll be happy when I feel safe getting out and travelling more. I feel like it’s hard to find anything new since I’m mostly at work and home right now. The dogs are fine but feel free to visit anytime!

    Thanks for the comment!

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